
D. O. Almansa
The vineyards are mostly around the towns of Almansa, Alpera, Bonete, Corral-Rubio, Higueruela, Hoya-Gonzalo, Pétrola and El Villar de Chinchilla.
Age of the vineyards
30 years-old on average
Soil Profile
Permeable lime-bearing soils that are poor in nutrients, and located on the town of Almansa at an altitude of 800-1,000 meters above sea level.
The climate is continental (long, hot summers, cold winters). Rainfall is sparse (350 mm per annum) and sporadic usually in spring and autumn in the form of violent storms, often in the form of hail. Temperatures can reach 38°C in summer and -6°C in winter.
The grapes are hand-harvested.
This D.O. is the highest producer of Garnacha Tintorera worldwide, which is indigenous to this region.

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